Pando Consulting and Inflection Point Solutions presents:

Your mindset is everything when it comes to a solid exit experience. Learn what it takes to balance your mindset and emerge from the exit with a renewed sense of purpose.
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Pando Consulting and Inflection Point Solutions presents:

Your mindset is everything when it comes to a solid exit experience. Learn what it takes to balance your mindset and emerge from the exit with a renewed sense of purpose. 

This webinar guides business owners and entrepreneurs through the emotional and strategic challenges of exiting their business. It covers psychological hurdles, buyer tactics, and resilience strategies. Participants will gain confidence and composure through theoretical insights, practical exercises, and real-world case studies.

Presentation and Q&A Navigating the Exit Mindset
July 17, 2024 @ 12:00 -01:00 PM PDT
Fortifying your Emotional Resilience: Preparing for the ups and downs of the sale journey
Ann Humes Pic
Ann Humes
Inflection Point
Chief Solutioneer
Unwavering Poise in Negotiations: Anchoring in Your Business's Worth and Outmaneuvering Destabilizing Tactics
Ann Humes Pic
Ann Humes
Inflection Point
Chief Solutioneer
Actualizing Your Post-Sale Vision: Stepping Confidently into the Future You've Envisioned
Ann Humes Pic
Ann Humes
Inflection Point
Chief Solutioneer
*Sessions will be recorded for archival purposes. You will be able to access them your login credentials. .


Ann Humes Pic
Ann Humes
Inflection Point
Chief Solutioneer